Hi tod @ s!
I know I lost enough time for all blogs in the universe and other things interneteras, but lately my time is scarce for most of the things that I require "more time"
The question is always blame the weather, work, laziness ... but in my case it's true! @ S some of the blog readers can attest to just give me time to eat, but hey, we're still here.
not tell me too, Truth be told, so there's not much to update and this probably minientrada me summarize a bit the whole time I've been without writing, you know, when there is always eager to write but when spending a few days ( or weeks) it seems meaningless to accurately describe a situation.
The entry was designed was based on Halloween, in how we celebrate and how it all happened. Anyway, in response to the above, will be brief. First, we celebrated in the gym and Judo class for this purpose tod @ s uniforms we decided to go and try to wear masks with which to train ... also celebrate our teacher had won the 6 th dan and it seems to us red and white belt.
The class was the most fun and popular, came many friends (many who did not even know) and that, in honor of Enrique (my sensei) came to his inauguration. It was certainly the most exciting, but also made it difficult to train with so many people, but in any case, we had a blast.
Here you have a pic of those who stayed to the end celebrating our Halloween special ...
then and to celebrate Halloween, the signorina Kardis and I decided that our would meet set for this day after many bickering and have no problems with the costumes ... although many of the guests come in costume and ensure they did not. I have to say I had a great time, although I wished they had all been a little more quiet, more so because it so fast I could not even sign my lovely greeting Pakkun ... and I'm still waiting.
For this evening, I decided to dress as a vampire, a wig and, this year, including muerciƩlago wings. Kardis dressed as witch (quite in tune, hehe ^ ^), Death Kakashi repeated, Saga shinigami appeared, we Some witches wig included and some pseudobrujas. Something that was more pre laughed, ie the preparation of the costumes along with Kardis, our makeup and getting ready as we could laugh and make-up.
Incidentally, I have to say I loved my gifts, namely: a nice bag of Mustang, a poster behind which took time, a book, a guide to Sicily and a nice greeting ... Thanks!
After holding the meet and frightened after the general, the rest of us went to the center in this manner to find Kara, one of our compis of Judo, which in the end it was almost impossible to be ... but at least we were, we started and we saw some photos gorgeous dressed in cabaret.
After this, the most important may have been in theaters (although not too many), I've seen "The Box", "2012" and, just this afternoon, "Millennium II." I have to say that the 3 I've loved, and e € first hour because the last I ever saw had left me very dissappointed. Without doubt, the popcorn has been 2012 with those great special effects worth seeing on film and, if lucky, to have hyper-mega-Kinepolis room with a good bucket of popcorn. The most moral background may have led The box, although the ending is totally amazing and no one would guess. And finally, the more real and perhaps more vendetta, Millennium II, which, again, I was not disappointed.
Oh, I forgot! little meals we've had some exposure to compis and yesterday against breast cancer by Avon in the Circus Price with lots of cool things ...¡¡ if you have to get yaaaaaaaa! Well, the exhibition is over, but go with an eye for the next.
And for nothing else, I leave and spend a good day, that we'll have time ill. I return hoping to connect up new post soon.
PS: Sorry I did not appear much for blogging, but I promise that I will post a nice comment shortly on all inputs, which ultimately is far glamourrrrrrrrrrrr you!