Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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exchange needs, everything is on hold, the song impossible to snow, the splendor of the sky that goes on a rampage, I merit to hand in the water the reflection of our anxieties, lucid colors, the transience of sunflowers, temporary union.

Exchange impossible love, mud, heads down memories, I get tired on a path without nostalgia, without turns, the music that moves us, mourning the dead, I resist the limits silent vacuum caresses me ambiguous, do not let the memory revive.

Exchange of reasons, it is now I'm strong, the empty house is a symbol, beginning when I thought I was running out, is fleeting sense of being of clay, the echoes of altered meat, our bodies on, this hotel in Madrid, the rapture, nothing today, nothing nothing.

Everything is open. You
. They
. They
I look.
the outside and inside.

Grândola, Vila Morena , song by José Afonso that served as a signal for the start of the Carnation Revolution of Portugal the April 25 of 1974.

José "Zeca" Afonso wrote this song as a tribute to the "Fraternity Operaia Grandolense Musical Society" the Portuguese town of Grândola . The May 17 1964 of Zeca acted in this city. This action was important to the artist for several reasons. It met guitarist Carlos Paredes , whose skill with the guitar was impressed. On the other hand, was impressed with the consciousness and political maturity of the members of the Musical Society and limited but well-utilized resources, a library, Afonso's own words, "with clear revolutionary goals."

En la revolución

El 29 de marzo de 1974 , Grândola , Vila Morena fue la canción de cierre de un espectáculo de Amalia Rodrigues en el Coliseo de Lisboa. Asistieron al mismo varios militares del ( MFA ) Movimiento de las Fuerzas Armadas que la escogieron como señal de arranque para la incipiente Revolución de los Claveles ; se ha atribuido la elección a Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho in particular. In this show, censorship Salazar's dictatorial regime had banned several songs from Jose Zeca . Among them were five Venham mais ("High five"), Menina two Olhos Tristes ("Girl with the sad eyes"), A Morte Saiu à Rua ("Death hit the streets") and Gastão was Perfeito ("Gaston was perfect.")

day at 0.20 April 25 1974 of the program Limit de Radio Renascença se emitió Grândola, Vila Morena, que era la segunda y última señal para dar comienzo al movimiento revolucionario que derrotaría a la dictadura de Salazar y daría libertad a Portugal y a su inmenso imperio colonial. Las fuerzas del ejército portugués organizadas por el MFA serían las encargadas de conseguir la libertad con el apoyo del pueblo que las cobijó con la colocación de claveles rojos en las bocas de los cañones de los tanques y los fusiles de los soldados. La primera señal fue emitida a las 22.55 del día 24 de abril y fue la música E depois do adeus (And after the bye), sung by Paulo de Carvalho .

José Afonso himself was not initially aware of the importance that had reached its composition. He tells it like this:

"Vivi on April 25 a kind of glare. I went to the Carmen, I walked out there ... I was so excited about the political phenomenon that I did not notice it or did not give importance to Grandola. Only later, when fascist attacks occurred September 28 or March 11 Grândola was sung at times of greatest danger or great enthusiasm, I realized what it meant and, of course, I had a certain satisfaction. "

(De Wikipedia )

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La maison

The crocheter serial # 85. To visit other houses must go Isabelle

I took the pictures with my mobile phone, I'm sorry my camera is broken: (My house
custody remains of the son.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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of obstinacy.

futility of continuing the march without baggage, without locks in the throat, looking at the sharpness of the mountain behind silence.

Sol at the confluence of roads, there is a decapitated rooster under the stone cross.

My voice migrates with bones, the messenger of patience overlooking the suburb of my eyelashes, warm words go beyond the expected engineering perfect.

I left the pain of so many months in a cupboard under the linen, I folded maps of grief, I have a tattoo of his silhouette on the thighs, I stick a tape of thorns on the cuff of veins.

My voice crosses, the banks claim, hinders the leopards that bypass the trap slowly sliding down the hollow of the shadow of the fig tree.

Talking not lead us to disaster, or other, but speak, write a poem sideways and nothing happens do you?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Vegeta And Daughter Episodes

Rise ventriloquist.

You. They
. They
I look.
Inside and out.

Turn the planet with placidity dew drops on Tuesday, comes with indifference, oblivious to the voice, all voices, it comes.

Somewhere pain our laughter, our days are written .

squatting hope the minimum of the orchid. Array of ideas, a hunch of the viscera, in the wall of the spring breaks desire.

Not a time of knives.
Feelings attack is nuts.

Starting from the liver, a cannibal forward is eating me, alive.

the brook, spring, drinking the little rabbit and the large wild ass, and each sate their thirst.
( San Augustine )

Sunday, May 1, 2011

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To me that is well understood

" We will go through life confused it
nothing to vex the quiet calm,
and soul of things is our own soul,
and our own psalm Psalm of the star.

And one day, when the keen eye and restless
start to look very deep, and the eager ear
know the voices of the unknown
opens our souls the deepest secret. "

Enrique González Martínez
From "The one goes with me"

A faint ray of sunlight enters the room and breaks in two. Mourn. Set fire to the woods and jump into the circle thirteen, candles, consumed in pain and then take a walk on the bright side of the street. Do not throw anything, no books, no kisses, or old newspapers, or the morning, listening to music, I told you, every memory support strangling while Yo-Yo-Ma, Coltrane or boleros. Cut phone cable. Do not cut off veins. Save knives. Illusions like butterflies flying blind. " A which goes with me." Hang out with cats on the roof to look at the moon, these days is especially beautiful, spitting at their center as a neighborhood Gulf. And now, naked, jump into the white sea of \u200b\u200bwords, enter them and swim a thousand strokes beyond. Here the night has turned cold.

MJRomero was kind enough to include me here.

Double nature

light Under orders word
its exact boundaries, reflection and memory.
When the shade is, the word is music
and says what the forms say.
Mary Maizkurrena

Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Solitude begins at home.

" on the pond / in your bower / heron caught me: / lean and silent / / Light in lilac / spy and splendid. / Do not blow right away / pleats and ncourages? / / Circle after circle / none of us is / Everything is smooth. / All is mild . "

be alone, who not alone?, After all is a natural condition. Walking in circles, go to the market, whistling, trying new songs, make a leap of faith to invent the silent embrace the silence, look at the howling of the wolves that surround the caravan space between the sand and sweat of the constellations , ramble, do not look out the window, not in the mood for celebrations, composing hymns of silk, look in the mirror without recognizing, simulate an offer to the gods the blind, love is the index of this book, all Prayers are lost on the night grows hopeless, sleep and tomorrow is another day.

(I hope)

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estimate the sermon in your

En tu opinion el món (Raymond)

En tu opinion el món,
terra i la gent to be vens,
believes in you.

And I know that in you is stronger and more intense pain
joy of living, and
is where you
life grows in you and where I feel free. In

you love even the absurd
coming of death, and in you

it sees the size of your sweet body. In

you deem the world
land and people where you come, you deem
in on you, because you love you
you, you, in you ... ;

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The Naked Kiss (1964)


The beginning of this film is one of the boldest history of classic cinema ...

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Walter Benjamin, why now? La petite mort

"The construction of life is, at present, much more dominated by events that convictions. And for a type of events that almost never, and nowhere, yet reached base convictions. Under these circumstances, a genuine literary activity can not claim to operate within the framework restricted to literature: it is rather the expression usual from its lack. To be meaningful, effective literature can only emerge from the rigorous exchange between action and writing has to translate, through leaflets, pamphlets, magazine articles and posters, the modest ways that best match their influence within the active communities that pretentious universal gesture of the book. Only the quick and straightforward language reveal a proper operational efficiency to the current time. Opinions are the gigantic apparatus of social life which the oil is to machinery. No one stands in front of a turbine and the flood of lubricant. Pouring a few drops on hidden rivets and joints that need to know "( Walter Benjamin:" Gas Station "in address only.)

Leo Walter Benjamin in this text written ninety years ago. Maybe I'm obsessed but I think you're talking about something like a blog. An advance, a visionary.

"In a love most people look for an eternal home. Others, though very few, a perennial travel. These are melancholy that have to shun contact with mother earth. Who seek to keep them away from the melancholy of the country. And they are faithful. The medieval treatises on the humours know the appetite for such long trips of people. " (W alter Benjamin )

was red, say some.

Five million unemployed in Spain. Fukushima boil. A bomb explodes in Morocco. Deaths and death, suffering, Syria, Libya, Yemen, in Ivory Coast, Palestine and leave me some countries safe. I do remember Haiti.
The match referee robbed us , say others.

" While you're working, try sustraerte to the mediocrity of the everyday. A quiet half, accompanied by sounds trivial, it degrades. However, the accompaniment of a music studio or a murmur of voices can be as significant for work as the perceptible silence of the night. If it sharpens the inner ear, it becomes the touchstone of a speech whose fulness buries itself to the eccentric sounds. " ( W alter Benjamin )

Why so much talk about Walter Benjamin?

not be bought or sold true love, but you have to sell , sell, sell, find what appeals to potential buyers of culture. True, me about your "Book of the passages " (click) and, now, I want to buy me . I go to Fnac, I look, 1,104 pages, € 103.30, Milks cults, I'll ask the Kings (Magi) . I see your availability the Media library of the Corn Exchange, is not, but I find his " only Address ." home I'll take tight against your chest (I dread this immediacy of wanting something and get it immediately, I was dying desire).

Who was Walter Benjamin ?

E scritor, Marxist theorist and German aesthetic philosopher . Born in Berlin in the bosom of a bourgeois Jewish family and studied philosophy in Berlin, Freiburg, Munich and Bern. In 1920 he settled in Berlin and worked as a literary critic and translator. His hopes of making an academic career were frustrated at the University of Frankfurt rejected his doctoral thesis, brilliant but esoteric study of German Baroque drama entitled The Birth of Tragedy German (1928). During the 1920's, Benjamin Marxist postulates assumed under the influence of composer Ernest Bloch and the Marxist critic György Lukács. He also made a close friendship with the German writer Bertolt Brecht, defending his concept of epic theater. " In 1933, following the Nazi rise to power, Benjamin took refuge in France, where he began writing a monumental work that failed to finish on Charles Baudelaire, published in 1973 under the title Charles Baudelaire: a lyric poet the era of big capitalism . The best-known works were his essays Benjamin The Author as Producer (1934), The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) and Illuminations (1961). Are essays on literary and aesthetic issues from a Marxist point of view had a great influence on his time and are considered classics. In the first of which Benjamin claims that the rise of Fascism and mass society are symptoms of a degraded era in which art is only a source of gratification to be consumed, but could serve as a vehicle for the spread of communism and awareness and the masses. With the occupation of France by the Nazis In 1940 Benjamin tried to visit the United States through Spain, but being held at the Franco-English border himself. © eMe (The power of the word)

Why not Walter Benjamin has entered the public domain in Spain?

is very long, if you want, find out here ( click )

Why am I so interested in Walter Benjamin?

for several things. I love her figure, her culture, her work and, above all, because it makes me feel and think I do not know if that order, remember, learn, encouraged me to read, write, comment ...

The rest I put you, the reader, it's Friday and can not be one at all.

4,910,200 unemployed in Spain

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Live Off Vegetable Smoothy


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Back to the sixties SC 84

Pickyrose new héberge cette semaine avec cet thème.
Anees 60 à l'Espagne avait il and important links emigration vers le reste d'Europe ...

conaisent fils très bien l'histoire de cette valise ... the valise of le grand père Vous pouvez

voir la bande annonce du documentaire: "The train memory "ici

The video is dedicated to my older brothers Pily and Pascual, who were unjustly" castrated "and" Ostia "in school and church, and suffer from rejection because emigrantes.Esto grandchildren I can not express in French ... it hurts too much injustice.

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Automatic writing. For if there is doubt

As a puppeteer bold, bent over the couch in the literature, incorporating elements that border on the poetic attempt, figuring out how to write a tree, plant a book, "the children came, well-mouse clicking on the keys without too much control, flow words, memories, images, - "uncontrolled l'enregistrement des états d'âme, des images et des mots " - there to do, writing semiautomatic, a finding, a liberation, a bridge between our curiosity, not are nothing but communicate, that's something.

"As television carried the subject to a cultural understanding of the world, as was the music and literature has always, Internet and tele lead to developing a technical understanding of reality. Such actions are techniques that allow the technical understanding of social relations commercial and scientific "

Although I know that sometime in the itinerary defections occur, for boredom, repetition, air changes, scales non-reciprocal, you give me I give you, whistle, whistle, colorito where you are so beautiful you , distance, day to day, written in the wind that everyone plays according to his will, one so soon is the one up in the turret, the protagonist, like heroin or hiding behind the curtain that hides or shows, I say, according to his will, it should be.

or "Whoever refuses to receive no damage just claiming, without delay, a special justification for their survival, activity and participation of chaos. There are many considerations about the general failure as exceptions to the proper sphere of action, address and circumstances. The blind will save the prestige of his own existence, rather than releasing at least, by a detached assessment of his impotence and intricacy-the backdrop of general obfuscation, becomes fashionable almost everywhere. So the air is so full of theories about life and world views, so they appear here in this country, so pretentious. For in the end almost always serve to legitimize a particular situation, totally insignificant. So also is the air so full of illusions and mirrors own cultural future, despite everything, they burst Blooming overnight, because everyone agrees with the optical illusions on your point of view alone. "

(Address only) Walter Benjamin.

Accepted shot rule the river and I swam until who knows what sea, sailor, only sickness I think, heading into the waves, sprites poison and will non Rianxeira you embark that you're going to be sick , this goes well and we are what we are - what are we? -.

I invite you to look at us.
