Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How Long Does Profectiv Growth Renew Take To Work


exchange needs, everything is on hold, the song impossible to snow, the splendor of the sky that goes on a rampage, I merit to hand in the water the reflection of our anxieties, lucid colors, the transience of sunflowers, temporary union.

Exchange impossible love, mud, heads down memories, I get tired on a path without nostalgia, without turns, the music that moves us, mourning the dead, I resist the limits silent vacuum caresses me ambiguous, do not let the memory revive.

Exchange of reasons, it is now I'm strong, the empty house is a symbol, beginning when I thought I was running out, is fleeting sense of being of clay, the echoes of altered meat, our bodies on, this hotel in Madrid, the rapture, nothing today, nothing nothing.

Everything is open. You
. They
. They
I look.
the outside and inside.

Grândola, Vila Morena , song by José Afonso that served as a signal for the start of the Carnation Revolution of Portugal the April 25 of 1974.

José "Zeca" Afonso wrote this song as a tribute to the "Fraternity Operaia Grandolense Musical Society" the Portuguese town of Grândola . The May 17 1964 of Zeca acted in this city. This action was important to the artist for several reasons. It met guitarist Carlos Paredes , whose skill with the guitar was impressed. On the other hand, was impressed with the consciousness and political maturity of the members of the Musical Society and limited but well-utilized resources, a library, Afonso's own words, "with clear revolutionary goals."

En la revolución

El 29 de marzo de 1974 , Grândola , Vila Morena fue la canción de cierre de un espectáculo de Amalia Rodrigues en el Coliseo de Lisboa. Asistieron al mismo varios militares del ( MFA ) Movimiento de las Fuerzas Armadas que la escogieron como señal de arranque para la incipiente Revolución de los Claveles ; se ha atribuido la elección a Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho in particular. In this show, censorship Salazar's dictatorial regime had banned several songs from Jose Zeca . Among them were five Venham mais ("High five"), Menina two Olhos Tristes ("Girl with the sad eyes"), A Morte Saiu à Rua ("Death hit the streets") and Gastão was Perfeito ("Gaston was perfect.")

day at 0.20 April 25 1974 of the program Limit de Radio Renascença se emitió Grândola, Vila Morena, que era la segunda y última señal para dar comienzo al movimiento revolucionario que derrotaría a la dictadura de Salazar y daría libertad a Portugal y a su inmenso imperio colonial. Las fuerzas del ejército portugués organizadas por el MFA serían las encargadas de conseguir la libertad con el apoyo del pueblo que las cobijó con la colocación de claveles rojos en las bocas de los cañones de los tanques y los fusiles de los soldados. La primera señal fue emitida a las 22.55 del día 24 de abril y fue la música E depois do adeus (And after the bye), sung by Paulo de Carvalho .

José Afonso himself was not initially aware of the importance that had reached its composition. He tells it like this:

"Vivi on April 25 a kind of glare. I went to the Carmen, I walked out there ... I was so excited about the political phenomenon that I did not notice it or did not give importance to Grandola. Only later, when fascist attacks occurred September 28 or March 11 Grândola was sung at times of greatest danger or great enthusiasm, I realized what it meant and, of course, I had a certain satisfaction. "

(De Wikipedia )


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